Monday, January 30, 2017

So this week has been probably one of the most spiritually uplifting and PUMP up week of my mission!!  So that is always good:)  Even tho our success was actually way down this week for some reason... we only had 1 investigator at church when we were hoping for 6... and we really did not teach very many lessons because of lack of priesthood workers.  But besides the medyo mahirap (hard) things that happened, I learned a ton!! And I loved this week!! 

First off this years theme is Consecration, i think I already told you that, but anyways... this week I read two amazing articles for missionaries about Consecration.  And I would so recommend these to any missionary!! The first one is Becoming a Consecrated Missionary, by Tad R. Callister.  And the other one is The Fourth Missionary.  And WOW let me tell you there is so much that I can do and change and improve to become more of a consecrated missionary!  But I LOVE the fact that we can Improve! EVERYDAY!!! We can change our desires to accept God's will no matter what happens to us, or what we are facing...  It is so exciting that we can work towards that goal, to become consecrated, by losing ourselves in serving others. 

I have also really come to love the members our investigators more lately!  They really are amazing people, and are supportive of us!  We hope to keep that support so the missionary work here in Vargas we become even stronger!!
We had Stake Conference this week so that was super good! Except around half of the meeting was in Ilocano so I had no idea what was going on;)  But the Tagalog parts were so good and uplifting!  

This week a lady in our ward passed away, Sister Lolita Agustin.  And I could tell by how the ward reacted that this lady was an amazing example to all of them!!  She fed us once last transfer and has been in the hospital basically since then.  Then Brother Barcelonia, one of my favorite people in our ward, gave a talk at the service at her house. He talked about his mission and how he baptized Sister Lolita way back when, and how he moved back to Vargas because of Sister Lolita.  His story is amazing and the Spirit hit us all like a brick wall!! Definitely an amazing Spiritual Experience!

We had a Worldwide Missionary Training Broudcast, and it was so cool!! With Elder Oaks, Bednar, and Andersen.  Lots and lots of way cool direction and counsel. And also they announced some HUGE changes in the missionary schedule!  So that will take some getting used to!!!
So anyways, a great testimony building week!!
Keep up the good work, and please help the missionaries when you can:)
I promise they are so thankful to you if you do!!
Thanks for the prayers!

LOVE, Elder Alldredge
Me and Elder Sumalpong in the bukid

Straight and narrow way

Some of the members going to Stake Conference

We witnessed a huge raging fire on a house near the church office building.  It was crazy!

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