Monday, January 23, 2017

I hope ya'll had an amazing week!  This week has been super good for me, because it was transfers this week... So I thought nothing would happen, our whole zone thought me and Elder Canoy would stay and nothing happen to vargas.  And then the Zone Leader announced that we have 2 more missionaries in Vargas!!! And then he announced that Elder Canoy was transferred to Portal.  So that was a huge surprise!! So I was literally the only one who knew where anything was, that was a little bit of a struggle;) haha jokelang it was fun!!  

So the first day I took the Vargas B elders and gave them basically a tour of their area for them to know where the investigators and members live in their area.  Because before it was only 2 of us for lahat or all of it!  So the only problem with the 4 missionaries in Vargas is that more than half of my investigators last transfer are in their area now!!! So we have very few investigators, but we can focus on them more so hopefully they will all progress!

So we still have Carl Jay Ingasalo in our area and he will be baptized on February 25 for sure!!  He is so good, he reads the BoM and prays everyday, he goes to church every week, and he is strengthening his testimony every day, because he wants to be taught everyday, but of course we only do it every other for him to have some time for himself, but he is AWESOME!!!
Also we got 2 new investigators who already went to seminary 2 times and they went to church on Sunday, I really hope they keep with it! They have a ton of friends at church and it looked like they enjoyed it...  All in all we had 5 investigators at church... BOO YAA!!!

This week we taught a Methodist minister.  He kept interrupting us and saying a bunch of things. Then he said before we said the first vision "If Jesus really did come down and called a prophet to lead his church, I would believe it."  Then we told the First Vision, and he totally did not believe it...;)  hahaha It was really cool because we kept testifying what we know to be true, even though he didn't except our message, it was a big testimony builder for me... We really do have the ONLY true church on the earth.  And we as missionaries get to share it!!! OH MAN thats just plain AWESOME!!
So it was a good week this week:)
Oh and my new companions name is Elder Sumalpong.  He is from Zamboanga City, Philippines.  He is the sixth of six children, and is born of the covenant.  He is hilarious and so are my kabahay (other elders in the house) :)  We have a good time!!
So keep smiling, and having fun!! 

Mom!! (Here are some answers to questions from Nyla)
Yes I use the handkerchiefs everyday! (To wipe the sweat from his face)
We have purified water at home so I fill water bottles of that and take them.
I am the Senior Companion!!! I forgot to say that in my letter~!!! Like what!?!?  We (Him and Elder Sumalpong) are actually kabatch or the same batch leaving the mtc, but i know the area so i am the senior:)  We are basically the youngest companionship in our mission, boo yaa!!


Elder Alldredge

Kyle and Elder Sumalpong

Elder Fresnoza

Elder Galia - He said they are way cooler than they look in these pictures :)

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