Tuesday, May 30, 2017

This week has been a SOLID week, with lots of work and lots of rain, and lots of Brown OutsJ(or power outs)  fun stuff....:)
First off my companion, Elder Dolotina was not transferred!!! So that was super awesome!  But the next transfer is only 3 weeks long, so it most likely won’t last much longer, but it is a super good thing!! Because we are really working with our investigators to help them to progress, to grain a testimony, and to come to church. 

This week Jeferson is still doing really well and his testimony is growing, that’s for sure!  We watched the Restoration with him, and it was seriously SUPER SPIRITUAL!!! I loved that whole video and the discussion afterwards.   He had a bunch of questions for us about Joseph Smith, and he said I want to watch the long version about Joseph Smith, so after we left he did!! But the only sad thing about him this week is that he did not come to churchL its like AAAAHHHHHH NO!!! Because he had an eye check-up at the same time as church, so he promised that he would come next week, so that’s GOOD!!!

So we only had 3 Investigators at church, but for sure that will be going up next week, because we will do everything that we can to make it happen.  That’s one thing our mission is really focusing on right now.   To “Pray like everything depends on God, but work like everything depends on you.”  And it is such a sweet quote that I love!!! And we are doing our best to live it here in Maria Aurora!

Also this week my district leader, Elder Garcia, gave a super cool workshop and my mind was blown!! So he focused on this quote:
Nourish the thought
Reap the Action
Nourish the Action
Reap the Habit
Nourish the Habit
Reap the Character
Nourish the Character
Reap the Destiny!!!
So in other words it really starts with our thoughts, if we think positively and do all the things that the quote says, then we really will become who we want to be!  He also said “Whether you think you can or not, you are probably right!”  So we choose, if we want to be positive or not.  He applied this to helping our investigators to get baptized, to baptize weekly for the month of July, so that is the goal right now, and we are just starting now to nourish the thought that we really can help those investigators to be baptized, to follow Jesus Christ, and to become more like him!!!   I love this fact that just by being positive we are able to do God's will more fully.  And also this quote can apply to anyone and basically any topic, so YAA!!!!
Sorry for just a bunch of quotes today:) hahhaa 
nothing super crazy happened this week, so maybe next week will be more exciting!!
Thanks for all the emails!!!
Have a great week!!!

LOVE, Elder Alldredge

It is rainy season!

Ward mission workers

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